So shortly after returning from Hawaii we were informed that our tenant in Rillz's house was planning on taking a new career path and moving out. Luckily, he is not moving his stuff out until his lease is up at the end of January. His new job is going to be keeping him on the road a lot. Why I am telling you this story... because he had a dog. A boxer. Unfortunetely, to his sadness, he had to get rid of his boxer. He knew that we had a boxer and are dog lovers. So, he asked us first if we wanted her. Rillz and I talked about it and it took us a whole 2 seconds to both agree that, yes, we wanted her! And that is how crazy Jersey joined our family.

Jersey is 1 1/2 years old. It was nice when Malu finally matured 6 months but now we are back to having a nutty puppy.
The first day we had her she got out of her crate and caused A LOT of mess. Pulled all of Rillz's shoes out from under the bed. None of mine but luckily she didn't ruin any of them! She ate 2 bags of corn and cabbage. She pooped in our extra bedroom. She tore my coupons and binder. Re-arranged our living room furniture. And the kicker was she peed on our bed! Uh. We needed to get her a new crate ASAP! So we did. Everything has been better.
Goofy picture of her and her crazy tongue.

Malu teaching her how to sit and stay

They play under the coffee table.

We call Jersey MJ (Malu Junior) because she does all the exact same things Malu did at that age. We are starting to just love her.

They lay with each other every morning while I get ready for work.

Welcome to the family Jersey.