Friday, February 25, 2011

Girls day

Back in January I had won tickets to a Bridal show extravaganza thingy. I wasn't engaged yet but, hey, they were free tickets. I called up Heidi and asked what she was doing that day. We decided to make a day out of it together. We packed up Camden and headed to Boise. The bridal show was typical. Nothing exciting especially because most were vendors and I don't need to really hire anyone from Boise for a wedding in Hawaii. Heidi and I still had fun though. Camden LOVED the runway show. She would watch all the ladies go up and down in those gowns. It was really cute! We then went to Cafe Ole for lunch and Camden was asleep the whole time. Heidi and I did some shopping and went back to my house at the perfect time because Camden decided to have a HUGE blowout! After cleaning her up we headed out to a family gathering. It was really fun hanging out all day with Heidi and Camden! Thanks for coming along!

Camden ready to go.

Sleeping during lunch


katy said...

Looks like a lot of fun. I like Camdens style with her. She is getting so chunky. What a fun girls day.

HeidiT said...

That was such a fun day! And Camden was an angel baby that day, we lucked out. I was just talking about that show the other night when Ren was eating a red velvet cupcake...tasted just like german chocolate - haha!

Penny Cluff said...

My girls have girls day almost once a week. We had it while your mom was at my house. I think we wore her out. I think it turned into a ware- out- Robin- day, but it was fun. There really isn't anything like the relationship of a sister. Is is like a special friend with extra depth of love and understanding.