Saturday, August 8, 2009

Random Hula

So here are some random hula pictures of me from November and December. Just thought I would take you back in time and share. Oh yeah if you can't find me just look for the whitest girl!

This is Kristi, Heidi, and me at the hula christmas party with santa.

This is in November. We were doing our hula group photo shots in the cold on a rainy day.
Here is all the girls and keikis

More christmas party photos. These three guys are the ones who created kanack attack and ono hawaiian cafe. Can you guess who Santa is?

Me in the middle of a dance

This is my "Lets mess up the picture" shot.
Hey santa... what you doing?!? Santa was Rillz. At the time I didn't even know who Rillz was. And, yes, in the first picture I am sitting on his lap. Who knew?


HeidiT said...

I love the new background! And the pics are great, the one with the red flower has always been one of my favorites of you.