Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Surfing and Catameran

Brent, Kristi, and Jeff wanted to give surfing a try while in Hawaii. We asked our friend (basically Rillz's brother) Davy to teach them how to surf and take them out. I had a lot of fun watching everyone. Mali, Davy's 4 year old likes to go out and surf so she taught everyone how to get up on the board. She is just adorable. It was entertaining watching Brent, Kristi, and Jeff attempt fake surfing on grass.
Kristi getting lessons...

Jeff getting lessons...

Mali and her dolly

Me and Mali teaching Brecken and Dolly how to surf.

Brecken... natural surfer!

Rillz and I chose not to attempt the surfing just in case we broke our faces or something before our wedding day.

After surf lessons on the grass we went to Waikiki to take lessons out in the real world. We got to the beach and Davy asked us if we wanted to ride a catameran. Every one wanted to so we docked the surf boards and jumped on. It lasted about 1 1/2 hours. I enjoyed it. So relaxing out in the water. Mali got boat sick and Kristi did a little too. But other then that it was nice.

By the way... There is no Gunnar in pictures because that day he went with Grandma and papa to Polynesian Cultural Center.

After the catameran Jeff, Kristi, Brent, and Davy took the surf boards out. Davys mom and dad, Rillz and I took care of Brecken and Mali. Not sure why I didn't take pictures but it was a lot of fun. Rillz and I were playing with the little ones on the beach and a lady said "you guys have such cute kids". I had to tell her... neither of them are ours. But they do look like they could have been.

Kristi, Jeff, and Brent were sore the next day and arms were tired but all of them had a great time and all got up on their boards.

We went back to Davys house and Davy tried to convince us to stay for dinner. We had family flying in from Alaska. Davy and Rillz convinced me to call mom Rivera and ask if we could stay for dinner. They knew mom would tell them no but tell me yes. It worked. So we stayed. They made grilled oysters and steak and bought some poke! What a great night with family.

What a good day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hawaii update

Yesterday, Monday, my mom, dad, and Nan got in. My mom and dad came in first in the morning. Rillz and I met them at the airport. Rillz felt really sick. He had a fever and was shaking all night, sore throat... the whole bit. So he just dropped me off with my parents and went back to the house, took meds and slept ALL day. In the meantime I hung out with my parents. We went to try on my dress and find my mom a dress to wear for the wedding. I took them to Zippys to eat. And then we went to where my mom and dad are staying in Waianae. My dad and I went walking on the beach together for a while. It was nice. That night we had to pick up Nan at the airport so went back into town and stopped at the Navy Commisary before to pick up groceries. That was my Monday. I got to spend it with my parents.

Today, Tuesday, Brent came into town. Kristi, Jeff, the boys, Rillz, mom, dad, Nan, Brent and I all went to Pearl Harbor. It was nice to revisit now that I am actually old enough to care and understand. I actually took pictures today.

After Pearl Harbor, Rillz and I took off back to the house. We had a 3 hour job ahead of us. We cleaned and filled 180 bottles of soy sauce for our wedding favors. Girlie helped quite a bit too. Thanks :) Now I just have 100 more for the Idaho reception.

On a side note: Girlie and I went to Longs grocery store and someone crapped in the middle of the shampoo aisle. So GROSS! A huge pile of doodoo just sitting there.

Tomorrow will be busy. Swap meet in the morning, pick up dress and bridal party outfits, pay final bill for reception (yikes!), find mens shoes, stay at our friends Davy and Darcy.... the list goes on. Better get my sleep! Goodnight.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hawaii so far...

My (oops I mean our) wedding is in a week! Crazy!!! I (I mean we) got into Hawaii on Monday. We started meeting with vendors Tuesday and getting everything in order. My soon to be mother in law said she knew a really good seamstress that could do my dress. I wasn't worried because I just wanted a simple dress in aloha print material. How could you screw that up? On Tuesday that was the first place we went. OH MY GOSH!!! It was worse than the worst image I had in my head. The lady told me, "The picture you gave me just looked so plain so I added this.. and this... and this". Oh hell no. How do I get out of this one? So we kindly told her this is NOT what we were looking for but we would pay for the material that it cost her. The dress basically looked like this except for strapless so no sleeves and just went straight across. But the material and all that crappy doiley looking stuff and lace... yep. That was on there.

It's like that dress came straight out of 1990. Needless to say, I had no dress. I will admit I had a break down. The only time I have cried (so far) over any wedding stuff. I just felt hopeless. How was I going to find a new one in a place a didn't know without my sisters or mom. Rillz took me around places that day. We got stressed and finally said screw it... lets go to the beach. So we spent a couple hours on the beach. How nice!

Wednesday we woke up and went for a long walk. Then went searching for a dress. I got my bridesmaids dresses made at a place called T & L muumuu factory and shipped them to Hawaii. So I had a brilliant idea to look them up and see if they were on Oahu. They were! So we went. Everything on the floor that was already made was way to short. Of course. I mean, I do tower over everybody. So we told them our situation. Just so happens that while we were there, the dress designer was there too and totally willing to make my dress how I want it in a week! FOR REAL! The stress just melted. Better yet, they said they would just make Rillz's shirt and the groomsmens shirts. Those ladies in that shop are AMAZING! I have already gone in for a dress fitting. I LOVE it so far!

Wednesday night we met with the florist Christine. She has been great too! Helping with so much. And then went to meet Bing at the Pacific Beach Hotel where our reception is going to be. Everything went so smooth and easy.

Thursday we met with Reverand Mike Nelson. We were a little sad that a close family friend wasn't able to marry us to make it more special. But Reverand Nelson was nice enough. We also met the photographer. She is so funny. I can't wait to work with her on photos! Her company is Just once photography. I found her on craigslist so was a little worried. But all is good. Thursday Rillz's sister, husband and baby came into town. We were all excited to see them. That night we had a lot of family over for the baby's birthday and a cousin, Nathan, birthday.

Friday Rillz and I just hung out with family in the morning and then went to Davy and Darceys house to relax. And Rillz wanted to watch the BSU game (Davy used to play for BSU so loves watching the games).

Today is Saturday and we are getting ready for Graceys (our niece) first birthday. Let me tell you, first birthdays hawaiian style are NUTS! Spend thousands of dollars on them and we are expecting 250-300 people. Yep... NUTS! So we have been putting together goody bags and preparing food.... the list goes on. Kristi and Jeff and the boys come into today in about an hour to be there for the party too. They are staying until the 27th (when we leave back to Idaho). I am excited. They are staying at Rillz's parents house with us. Don't worry. The house has PLENTY room! So that's how things are going so far. Time to go help again...

P.S. I haven't even taken one picture yet with my camera. So terrible.