Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Easter was fun. I took my mom to my Great Aunt Nancys. She always has an easter party at her house. Lots of food and great company. We always eat, have an easter egg hunt for the kids, and an easter toss for the adults. Kristi was my egg partner. We did pretty well. The egg splattered all over Kristis arm when she went to catch it. Heidi and Ren won. There were 4 different groups doing it. After the party me and my mom went to Hannah Montana movie! I loved it! We got popcorn and drinks. Wow they are huge amounts of soda and popcorn.

Congratulations Heidi and Ren!

I was so excited when I heard Ren was pregnant. He is showing so much!

Heidi being embarrassed. But happy that she
doesn't have to carry the baby.

Gunnar was too cute searching for eggs. He would shake
each one to see if there was money or candy in them.
Kristi and Gunnar! Easter 2009

Gunnars Birthday

Gunnars birthday was fun! Everytime you asked him about his birthday he always said "Thomas party". He wanted a Thomas the Train party really bad! So for his birthday I got him a Thomas DVD and Thomas tin lunch box. He was thrilled. Heidi and Ren made him an amazing Thomas cake. Their cake making is only getting better! There was also great food! Thanks Kristi and Jeff for a fun party!
How awesome is this cake! It is 3d.
Ren formed the nose and mouth for the face in the cake. Great job you two.

Sorry Kristi, you will never have a serious

picture with your husband. HaHa!

What a nice picture!

Here are the kids. So cute. They played in
the garden dirt most of the time.


Malu Pictures

I took Malu to get spayed today. It makes me sad she has to go through an operation but I do not want the risk of puppies. Or deal with when she is in heat. I am happy to report no accidents in the house last night/ this morning. And Malu slept in a crate last night, just until she realizes when bedtime is.

This is Malu and Simon constently

She is such a sweet, gentle girl

She does not leave Simons side. Malu loves putting

Simon underneath her and right between her legs. It looks funny.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I know, I know, I haven't written for a while. But I am excited to write about my new family member. Well let me start with, YES, Rillz is my boyfriend! We are stuck together like glue. Anyways, he has really wanted a boxer dog and I really wanted a friend for Simon. So I have been looking on Craigslist and the humane society for about a month. Well yesterday I was at my parents (cuz I watch my mom on the weekends when I don't work) and found a girl boxer that was 7 1/2 months old. I called and through a few phone conversations I finally decided I wanted her, yes, without looking at her first. So many people had called already on her and I didn't want to lose the opportunity. So me and mom headed off to Boise to pick her up. EXCITING! She is beautiful and so sweet. We take her home (to my moms house) and let Simon and her play. She had the name Mala but I was going to let Rillz re-name her. Oh yeah, he has no idea I bought him a dog. The two dogs LOVE each other. Rillz came to my parents after work and I showed him our new dog. He was so surprised. His first sentence was "How long are we renting her for". Is that comment good or bad? Oh boy... but it is exactly what he wanted! Rillz was in love. PHEW... he liked his surprise dog. We went to 3 different stores looking at dog stuff.

He couldn't think of a name for her. We noticed she followed Simon EVERYWHERE. So we looked up the Hawaiian word for shadow and it was Malu. So that is her name. Coincedently it is almost exactly like her old name Mala. Weird and not planned. The dogs would not stop playing on the bed so we kicked them out of the bedroom. It got suspiciously quiet in the living room and quickly found out why. Malu doodood and peed in there and Simon peed on the ottomen. Come on dogs... I know they are both potty trained. At bedtime they would not stop playing. Finally at 1:30 it was nice and quiet.

This morning I took them out and they doodood outside. Great Dogs! 30 min. later it started smelling like rotten eggs. Ok who doodood and where? We checked all rooms... nothing... oh wait there it is. While cleaning up that one Malu was at it again in a different spot. I go to work and 2 min. into my drive after leaving the house Rillz calls to say the dogs got out. Oh boy. I turn around (Simon is not easy to catch) I get him in the car, take him home, and head off to work again. When I got to work I got another call from Rillz saying he was locked out of the house. HAHA! I laughed and then me and JAck (thats the little boy I nanny for) went to let Rillz back in. We go inside and Malu pees AGAIN! Hello Malu... weren't you just locked outside for an hour? As I cleaned that up I realized my inside cat only was outside. So I had to get him and bring him back. And Jack opened the door so the dogs almost got out again! OH MY GOODNESS what a zoo! Is it possible for one dog to doodoo 4 times in less than 12 hours. Oh well, I love my dogs! Welcome home Malu.

P.S. I love my hardwood floors even more.

Hardwood + doodoo + cleanup = love

p.s.s I will post pictures when I am home.

This picture isn't her but it is what she looks like

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Doggie haircut

Simon, my dog, has human type hair instead of fuzzy normal dog hair. He needed a haircut bad! I took him into the groomer one morning before work. The groomer lady asked if I wanted him to have the "Cairn Terrier" cut. Thinking I knew what that would look like I happily said "sure why not". I left and came back hours later. She went and got him and I seriously did not recognize him at all. I kindly said thank you and paid and left. I got in the car and uncontrollably started laughing. He looked soooo dumb (in my opinion). I called Rillz and told him he had to see this cut cuz it is too funny! I seriously just laughed and laughed. Since then, I have adjusted to it and don't laugh everytime I see him (just most of the time). You be the judge of this fantastically laughable haircut.

He looks like he has a little skirt of hair from the middle down. Very odd I must say.

Orange anyone?!?

I have been wanting to paint a living room wall real bad! In november I decided to paint the wall orange. I just haven't had the time to get around to it. On Monday I came home from work at 6 and decided tonight was the night! Rillz and I went to the store and bought the paint and paintbrushs. By the time we started doing anything it was 9. I taped the wall while Rillz made dinner. It only took about an hour to tape and paint the first coat. We ate and then decided to paint coat 2. I love how it came out! Exactly the color I wanted.

Here is the wall and living room before it was painted and re-arranged

We are so ready to rock-and-roll!

Rillz pouring the paint. Oh lala look at that sexy orange color
Of course we just had to write on the wall with paint.

Us in the middle of painting.
Having so much fun painting. I was pathetically sore the next day from this.

Oh so pretty. I just love it!

This is how my living room is set up now. Looks cleaner and refreshing.

I found those awesome black boxes at ross for $20. I was very happy! I just don't know what to put in them yet.
Love, love, love it! So relaxing to have this project done.