Rillz made me a garden box. It is 6' x 3'. I wanted it 8' but the lumber price went WAY up just for 2 more feet. So I stuck with 6' instead. Nothing is planted in it yet because I am waiting to get (I never thought I would have to wait around for this) horse manure compost. That seems so weird that I am waiting for horse crap to plant my vegetable seeds. But it looks good. I just hope I remember to water these things.
Doesn't that look so nice.
Rillz and I went to Zamzoes (a local garden/animal place) to get chemical that makes pee stains go away in the yard. Thanks to Malu and her contribution to lawn maintenance, we have yellow patches. The guy told us to use Thrive. Thrive is good for everything! It helps with flowers, gardens, pee spots, shrubs, trees. It is some sort of fertilizer. I took pictures right after I applied some to the lawn to see if it will really work. Here is what the lawn looks like now...
the dogs pee in the first half and poop in the second half. It's kinda silly. Lets hope Thrive helps my lawn look a little less like a leopard. Random... look at this pretty flower that is growing by the tree I hate most in our yard. Look how ugly that tree is in the back. It makes the flower look uglier.
One last thing, I follow this website that has a frock by friday thingy. This week I joined in. I am sad to say that I am lagging behind. I have Monday, Tuesday, and most of Wednesday done. The Wednesday instructions I messed up one part and cut somewhere I shouldn't have and so I had to bandage it up. I am planning on pretty much finishing it tonight but I have plenty obsticles in my way. I have NEVER sewed a button whole in my life. I guess its easy but I will be the judge of that. I mean, I already messed some of it up and the hardest is yet to come. Oh man, wish me luck that this turns out to be wearable. I was going to post a picture of what it is supposed to look like but I can't figure it out right now so no picture for you folks. Well, off I go to continue working and then home to finish that stinkin dress.