Friday, May 28, 2010

I feel so behind

Is it just me or have I not blogged lately. I think about things to blog about often but then just don't find the time. Last Saturday Rillz and I went garage saleing. Yeah, I know, no surprise there but we bought a bread maker for $10 from a church sale. It didn't come with a manual which I was a bit worried about but I figured I could get it off the internet. Lucky for me it was very easy to find and print. So I made bread the other day. I started making the bread late at like 10:00 pm and it takes 3 hours. The bread shouldn't sit in the bread maker longer than an hour so therefore I had to wake up at 1 a.m. just to take the bread out of the bread maker. And to make things worse Rillz has bad allergies right now which is making him snore BAD. So I couldn't fall back to sleep easily. Oh-well. My bread machine worked though and the bread was edible!

Next thing, Kristi gave me a topsy turvy and I planted a jalapeno pepper plant. Rillz picked it out and I hope it grows or does something besides die on me. I want to can salsa this year so the more things I can grow the better. But, has anyone had success with the topsy turvy planter or even tried it (besides Kristi, she killed her tomato plant when she tried because she didn't water it) Grow little plant, grow!

Rillz made me a garden box. It is 6' x 3'. I wanted it 8' but the lumber price went WAY up just for 2 more feet. So I stuck with 6' instead. Nothing is planted in it yet because I am waiting to get (I never thought I would have to wait around for this) horse manure compost. That seems so weird that I am waiting for horse crap to plant my vegetable seeds. But it looks good. I just hope I remember to water these things.

Doesn't that look so nice.

Rillz and I went to Zamzoes (a local garden/animal place) to get chemical that makes pee stains go away in the yard. Thanks to Malu and her contribution to lawn maintenance, we have yellow patches. The guy told us to use Thrive. Thrive is good for everything! It helps with flowers, gardens, pee spots, shrubs, trees. It is some sort of fertilizer. I took pictures right after I applied some to the lawn to see if it will really work. Here is what the lawn looks like now...

the dogs pee in the first half and poop in the second half. It's kinda silly. Lets hope Thrive helps my lawn look a little less like a leopard.
Random... look at this pretty flower that is growing by the tree I hate most in our yard. Look how ugly that tree is in the back. It makes the flower look uglier.

One last thing, I follow this website that has a frock by friday thingy. This week I joined in. I am sad to say that I am lagging behind. I have Monday, Tuesday, and most of Wednesday done. The Wednesday instructions I messed up one part and cut somewhere I shouldn't have and so I had to bandage it up. I am planning on pretty much finishing it tonight but I have plenty obsticles in my way. I have NEVER sewed a button whole in my life. I guess its easy but I will be the judge of that. I mean, I already messed some of it up and the hardest is yet to come. Oh man, wish me luck that this turns out to be wearable. I was going to post a picture of what it is supposed to look like but I can't figure it out right now so no picture for you folks. Well, off I go to continue working and then home to finish that stinkin dress.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Strawberry jam and composter

After blogging this morning I was just SO tired. Why? I don't know. But, I woke up at 4 and was ready to continue my day. I decided to start tackling the strawberry jam. I had NO idea what I was doing. But in the pectin packages are instructions for jam. I followed them and got them into jars. I decided to go with shelf jam instead of freezer jam this first time around (although the freezer jam is easier). I had to put it in my pressure cooker/canner. I have never used one before. But guess what... I have shelf strawberry jam now made by me! The lids are even sealed and everything! I am so proud of myself. And, it wasn't that hard.

Next thing on my list, Rillz bought me a composter bin from Costco. Some girls are giddy about nice shoes and purses and all I wanted was this composter bin! I have to wipe the drool from my mouth over this big black rotating piece of plastic! haha. Anyways, Rillz put it together for me tonight.

Isn't she a beauty. Won't be clean for long though

Here is my little sugar snap pea plants so far. They are so cute. Yesterday I planted my herbs. I planted Rosemary, chives, cilantro, and parsley. This gardening thing takes patience. I am like a little kid and want results the next day. I am excited to have the time this summer to do all these outdoor things for my house.

Coupon deals

It feels like I haven't posted on a great coupon run lately. Which is ok because it means I am not only focused on couponing. I get cheap groceries typically every week but just don't feel the need to blog as many. Todays was pretty good though so I will share.

I went to Albertsons this morning. I really needed sure-jell pectin because I am going to make strawberry jam today. (I got cheap strawberries at Fred Meyer last week knowing I wanted to make jam). I was able to get 4 pacs of sure-jell pectin, 3 Nestle tollhouse cookie doughs, 5 dole sensations juice, 6 cups of velveeta cheese, and 2 boca veggie patties. Without coupons and deals I would have paid $54.84 but with coupons/deals I really paid...$4.85 plus I still have $2 receipt survey to use on my next shopping trip. SO I paid less than $5 for 20 items. That is less than .25 cents per item. Ahhh I love a good savings.

Also, I don't think I can go a saturday in the summer without stopping at a garage sale. I got some good stuff this Saturday. I realized that this is the only way to buy clothes for summer. I also got the cutest baby swing shaped as a car for SUPER cheap! The only problem, I don't have a baby. Good thing both my sisters are though so I can put it to use. Mine looks like the picture except it is all grey and doesn't have those silly looking stickers on it. I am to lazy to take a picture of the one I actually have. Pathetic I know.

Well, I am going to take a nap then make strawberry jam and then water my garden/flowers. Peace out everyone. Have a nice Sunday.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Nigerian Kids Let Me Clear my throat

I was laughing so hard at the little big boy. I just pictured that boy being Rillz when he was little and I know Rillz was a crazy dancer like that. HAHA. Enjoy

Bed done... well almost

I am almost done with my bed. Like, really really close to being done. Yesterday I assembled all the pieces and made the railing for the bed. So we can use it now BUT it is still missing one piece. In the picture you can see a bed skirt (the cream fabric) well, that is supposed to be a long piece of 2x10 wood instead. The guy at Home Depot cut the piece a little too long which is fine. We just need to cut it down about a 1/2 inch to fit the space. But I love the bed! We slept on it last night and it is still standing! It makes our bed SO much taller too. Our mattress and box spring are taller than normal ones so now the bed is to tall for the dogs! So, now on to the dresser, night stands, and those stinkin curtains for the bedroom.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wonderful and happy

I stumbled across this music video by Oren Lavie called Her Morning Elegance. It is what I needed this morning to just relax and enjoy life. It is beautiful and extremely creative not to mention the song is soft and calming. If you have a couple minutes... relax and enjoy.

Milkshakes, bird seed, and well... still the unfinished bed

On Tuesday I had a 2 hour brake from work. I was able to do some school work and other things I needed done. I decided to stop at a little local hamburger joint down the street called Burger Time. I wanted something to eat but not sure what. I got a corn dog, cheese curds (that looked like deer poop but tasted fantasticely fattening) and a wonderful jolly rancher watermelon milkshake. I ordered it kinda skeptically. The lady at the window said if I didn't like it she would make me a different one free of charge. Isn't that super nice! That is fast food service you would NEVER get at McDonalds or Burger King. I love local places! But it turned out being SO yummy!
I have had it in my possession for about 5 minutes and already done some deep damage to the milkshake. You can't go wrong with anything pink either!

I have a bird feeder that I got at a yard sale last year in the fall. I hung it up on a hook right outside my kitchen window. I LOVE looking at it. I wasn't able to fill it with bird seed for a while though because it was winter. Well, I filled it about a month ago and the birds love it... therefore, I except the HUGE mess they make and leave behind. Remember that pretty window box I have, well the flowers and dirt are filled with bird seed. Oh well, the birds are worth it so the bird feeder stays.

Crappy picture of my bird feeder. The bright blue Napa auto part store wall and blue dumpster kinda take the pretty and nature out of the beauty of the birds and feeder. Oh well, I try.
See all those little things in the dirt... no it is not flower food or miracle grow. It is the bird seed that the birds scatter everywhere!
Still working on the bed frame. I stained the footboard and the...well almost the whole headboard but then tragic struck. I had gotten free stain from my dad which is great. Saves me money right?!? Well, I ran out. I looked at stores and on the internet for this brand and stain color. The brand DID NOT exist. Are you serious? Turns out the brand had been bought out to a different company. I did end up getting a different brand of the same color name, which is Salem Maple, and the stain colors matched perfectly. Thank goodness! Last night I stained the rest of the headboard. Then Rillz polyerothained the pieces. I would be done with the stinkin bed frame if it wasn't for chasing down the stain. Oh well. I must say it is looking pretty good!

First of all, staining inside the house is NOT a good idea. Can I say passing out from the fumes! Oh well, beats being freezing and in the dark outside. Anyways, this is the headboard before being coated with the clear gloss. Just looks shiny from the camera flash. This is the stain color though. I can definitely say I am no good at staining! It is kinda hard and can't believe my first staining project was such a big piece of furniture.

This is the footboard after it's first coat of clear gloss.

Hopefully the bed frame is complete tomorrow and I can have my living room and kitchen back. Not mention I can continue on my bedroom makeover and finally get to those terribly out of place red curtains.

Happy Thursday everyone!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bed far

After having such a bad start to this project on Friday night I was very skeptical about how yesterday would go. I picked up the air compressor from Jeff and got all the stinkin nails that I swear didn't exist. After going to yard sales and hula I got home around 3 which is when Rillz got home from work. And we went straight to work on the bed frame. It ended up being super easy and quick. Besides accidentally nailing 2 long nails through the floor and some extra scratches on our hard wood floors our living room became the perfect construction zone. Our bed frame is far from perfect. Because 1) pine wood is definitely not always straight wood and 2) I am nowhere near being a perfectionist. So I really don't care (ok maybe I do a little bit) that there are gaps in some places. Anyways, after 4 1/2 hours of work this is what we have. Now I just need to stain it. Which, I am not patient at all when it comes to painting so I will have to learn quick so I get the right color and don't try to race through it. Hopefully, it is in my bedroom soon!

Work in progress. Our little moveable dishwasher became a work bench for cutting and drilling holes.
Here is what we have so far. The headboard and Footboard. The pictures make it look less gappy than it really is.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Panties in a knot

So Rillz and I have started the construction of the Farmhouse bed plans.

Rillz bought the wood yesterday at home depot. Then last night, we went to Lowes and Walmart. We tried to find 4 1/2" screws with no success. At walmart I was frustrated in what color stain I should do it. We were going to buy an air compressor... but didn't. It was just a really frustrating night. I DEFINITELY had my panties in a knot! Therefore, both Rillz and I were just frustrated. We rented a redbox movie, The men who stare at goats. But we didn't want to watch it. We just went to bed instead. Well, I woke up at 7 nice and refreshed. I have hula practice at 11. I want to go to Ace Hardware and garage sales. But all I am doing right now is watching the movie The Men Who Stare At Goats. I was just going to watch some of it during breakfast but it is kinda interesting. Not to appropriate as I have only been watching for 15 minutes and plenty of fowl language, drugs, and I saw some boobies (portraying the '60s era of freedom). But the movie has me hooked. I hope I can pull myself away to go visit yard sales and Ace Hardware. Anyways, I hope my bed building day goes better than last night. Wish me luck.