Thursday, July 18, 2013

Rolling over

During tummy time today, July 18, Aurie lifted her head up more than she ever has. I was so impressed. Then next thing I knew she rolled from her tummy to back! I was sure it was just a fluke. I stuck her back on her tummy to play some more. But, she just kept rolling over! Aurie is growing so fast! I have read so many times that premature babies may be delayed in some of the things they do but, at almost 3 1/2 months, Aurie shows no signs of being delayed anywhere. She is SO vocal, opinionated, and strong willed already as a baby and always has been! Her baby cry is LONG gone! Aurie makes so many grunting, cooing, giggling sounds with huge smiles and huge cries. Nothing she does is suttle! She also drools like crazy right now and making bubbles with her spit. It doesn't help that she loves chewing on her hands. We have a silly feisty one on our hands! Last week Aurie discovered her tongue which is pretty cute! She sticks it in and out all the time. We just love this girl SO much and wouldn't change a thing (ok, maybe her sleeping at night could improve).

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Look like mom or dad?

It is pretty easy to distinguish who Aurie looks like. But, she does have some slight features from me. Here are our baby pictures to compare...
My youngest baby picture. I was 10 months old before I got a picture taken of me

Rillz... not sure how old but definitely younger than I was.
 Aurie at 5 days and 3 months

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July

Aurie and I enjoyed 4th of July day in Caldwell, Idaho. We joined the Miller's and Tracy's for a parade in the morning and then hung out in the park for several hours! The park had music, vendors, and jump houses. Aurie enjoyed her first parade in the arms of Heidi fast asleep while I enjoyed it by the street with all the kids and scavengering for pieces of candy to give to Camden. The day was beautiful and company was great!
When looking at my pictures I realized I had no pictures of Gunnar. I realized it's because he is off enjoying the bigger kid things and the majority of the time I was with a baby or toddler. Gunnar is just growing up so fast and becoming more independent! The toddlers are so stinkin funny! Brecken went down a big inflatable water slide in such a hilarious way that Heidi and I couldn't stop laughing! I wish I had my camera on video it was awesome!
The new batch of babies could not be more opposite in personality. Aurie is so noisy, vocal, needy and LOVES her toys while Trenton is just so chill, loves people watching and for the most part content with anything. Anytime the babies are together someone always asks one of us if they are twins.
When I got home around 8 pm I was SO tired! I didn't watch any fireworks and just went to bed. Aurie's first 4th of July was filled with fun and family! Oh, and I have never dressed up for little holidays like this but I guess after having a baby that changed for me and I found it fun for me and Aurie to be wearing red, white, and blue.
Happy 4th!

I love the outfits! So cute and festive
 This girl has so many faces
 Just chillin
 This is how these two look after about 2 minutes of laying together. Aurie screaming and Trenton looking at her like she is nuts! 
 I only have pictures with Aurie when I have been with one of my sisters!
 Waiting for the parade
 Aurie spent the whole parade with Heidi!
 Camden in her cute outfit enjoying cotton candy!
 Waking up from a nap
 Aurie's first run in with a camel!
 Cami had to warm up a little to the camel and paige LOVED the camel!
 Check out Aurie's ride...
 This is the only picture I got of Gunnar (and pretty sad picture at that). They rode a cute little Thomas train!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Family visiting

We had Rillz's sister and bro-in-law with Gracey come visit. We sure had fun! Gracey helped me plant tomatoes, do laundry, and take care of Aurie. She LOVED her cousin Aurie! Girlie and I had a great time doing random things together too! Thanks for the fun visit. We love you guys!
Gracey playing with Aurie

 Gracey looking at old pictures of her mom and Uncles
 Aurie and Gracey with grandma and grandpa Rivera
 Gracey with grandma Rivera
 David and Gracey playing with Aurie
 Gracey wanted to hold Aurie all the time! She is such a great big cousin!
 Aurie with Aunty Girlie and Uncle David!


We are finding out Aurie LOVES the water! We stayed at Brent and Noelle's house for a couple days and used their community pool. This day was a bit cold but Aurie didn't care! She went in, got out and nursed, and then happily went in again! One happy girl in the pool.
Not happy to be woken up only to get a swimming suit on :)

 I love this cute little swimming suit.
 She lasted  a lot longer than I had expected.

Eagle Island

Heidi had a Thursday off work so we decided to join the cousins and go to Eagle Island for the day. The weather was supposed to be poo but ended up being nice. Thanks for the fun!

 Aurie was having fun in her cousins carseat!
 Chillin in her bumbo

First vacation as a family

On June 14 our little family traveled to Orem, Utah for Heidi Peterson's wedding. Aurie did quite well on the car ride and Rillz and I really enjoyed each others company for 4 days straight! It happened to be fathers day weekend. So, on Sunday Aurie celebrated her daddy by going swimming with him for the first time in the hotel, taking him to Utah's natural museum, and going out to a yummy local restaurant for dinner. Thank goodness Rillz is the patient type that had no problem pulling over at random places for a 20 minute nursing session! We really enjoyed seeing Heidi P. and we hope for a happy marriage!

On our drive we saw this on the bridges. I said to Rillz "look, Mormon graffiti". Yup! I am that funny.

We have video of Aurie swimming for the first time but clearly I  haven't downloaded it yet...

Baby blessing

When the talk of Trenton getting blessed we were asked by Kristi and Heidi if we wanted Aurie blessed at the same time. Rillz and I discussed it over and over. Finally less then a week before Trenton's blessing we decided that we would bless Aurie as well. She was blessed on June 2, 2013. We used the same blessing dress that my Grandma Jean made for Heidi to be blessed in. Camden was also blessed in it and possibly me but nobody knows. Maybe I wasn't even blessed?!? Lol. Anyways, it was a great day. My family was there and Rillz's dad was there as well. Jeff gave the blessing and we also had Ren and Jared be a part of it. Lots of mentioning that Aurie will be happy and also make people around her happy. She sure does already! I will admit it, I cried like a baby while she was getting blessed. It was very special to me.
After church we had lunch at the Miller's Kristi made some yummy food for everyone!

 Our first family picture

Is it wrong that I love this picture of Aurie and Trenton. We pulled the binkies out of their mouths and this is what we got! The blessing outfits together were so cute.

I love this picture of Aurie in her blessing dress

Newborn pictures

I was lucky enough to find someone on craigslist who wanted volunteers take free newborn pictures in the month of April/May. Um, sign me up!! So when Aurie was born the lady and I had planned to take her photos the following Saturday after she was born. Plans changed when Aurie was still in NICU at that time so we postponed for a week. Rillz and I were at the ladies house for several hours. Well worth it!! Aurie had been her smallest and sleepiest baby yet. So she was able to get awesome pictures of Aurie. Thanks Amber Jones. Beautiful pictures of a baby girl! Aurie was about 5 1/2 lbs. when these pictures were taken. She looks a little bigger then she really was. So cute!

 Look at her little side rolls!

 These pants and bonnet set was boyish but were so cute looking I wanted to put her in them. Lol.

 This yellow hat was made by my Grandma Jean. So it was really neat to get a picture of Aurie in it.

 This is Rillz's ukulele and case that we stuck Aurie in. Beth made the awesome reggae hat for us!